Are you interested in salt water hot tubs as an alternative to a chemical-based chlorine hot tub? This article will explain everything you need to know about salt water hot tubs!
We will cover how salt water works, why it is a healthier alternative to chlorine, and how it is a more eco-friendly option for your hot tub.
How does the salt work?
First off, you may be wondering exactly how the salt works in a salt water hot tub and if it will properly sanitize your water. Salt water also known as sodium chloride works through the process of electrolysis. This process causes sodium and chlorine to split, where sodium makes water feel soft and smooth on your skin, and the chlorine sanitizes your water.
When chorine reacts with something it reattaches to the sodium to become salt again causing a recycling process, which means you do not have to replace the salt. Due to the fact the salt recycles itself, it will save you hours and hours of time not having to balance out the chemicals of a traditional hot tub spa set up.
Is it healthier for you?
So how is salt water a healthier alternative to chlorine? Not only does salt water cause less irritation to your eyes and skin, it is gentler on your hair, and does not fade swimwear as quickly as chlorine does.
Chlorine may remove natural oils from your skin resulting in what’s called a “chlorine rash”. If you have eczema or psoriasis, chlorine can exacerbate symptoms resulting in a painful and itchy chlorine rash simply by adding the chlorine to your spa.
Salt water provides more buoyancy in water than the traditional chemical of chlorine, which is ideal for those suffering from joint pain or arthritis who enjoy the soothing heat of a hot tub.
If you suffer from inflammation, are susceptible to skin irritation, or would just like to avoid the use of traditional chemicals chlorine or bromine, a salt water hot tub is the healthiest alternative for you.
How is it eco-friendly?
You may be wondering, how exactly is salt water more eco-friendly? Not only does salt water have a non-chemical smell unlike a chlorine based hot tub, but it is a more eco-friendly way to sanitize your hot tub.
As stated above in how sodium chloride works to sanitize water, the salt water recycles itself meaning you will not need to replace the salt. Chlorine tablets are generally replaced every week, so not only will you save money on products, but you will introduce less chemicals into your hot tub with salt. Due to the chemical build up in a chlorine sanitized spa, you will need to drain your hot tub every 3 to 4 months.
With a salt water-based spa you’ll need to drain and replace the water once a year. Less water consumption and wastage are an integral part of conserving our planet and will help you maintain an eco-friendly hot tub. When you do decide to drain your spa, you will also feel better about introducing less harsh chemicals into the environment than you would with a salt water hot tub.
The more you know!
Traditionally chlorine has been used in hot tubs, however, research suggests that salt water hot tubs are a healthier eco-friendly alternative.
Now you know how sodium chloride (salt) works to effectively sanitize the water in your hot tub while recycling itself. This allows you the benefit of only draining it once, as opposed to 3-4 times a year with a chlorine based hot tub. Less water drainage means less water wastage, which in turn provides an eco-friendly alternative for your hot tub.
Chlorine contains chemicals that may irritate your skin, while salt water has less irritants. The buoyancy that salt water provides allows you to safely and effectively float if you suffer from arthritis or inflammation.